In this episode, which has been fully translated using artificial intelligence, we have a very special guest: Thomas Kessler, an experienced expert in M&A integration. With 28 years of experience, Thomas specialises in the integration of companies following mergers and acquisitions. He specialises in C-level executives in medium-sized companies.
In today’s episode, we take a deep dive into the world of M&A transactions and the increasing role that artificial intelligence (AI) is playing. Thomas discusses how he uses AI to create more efficient and effective integration processes. AI applications can be extremely helpful in areas such as target company identification, market analyses, due diligence and contract clauses. They offer the potential to automate certain tasks, freeing up more time for human-centred activities.
One exciting aspect is the realisation that AI can be supportive in some areas of the M&A process, while human expertise remains essential in others. Thomas explores how AI can be used in practice and discusses the challenges and opportunities of its application in highly sensitive areas.
Another important point is the process of learning and adapting to AI. Thomas describes his own journey in dealing with AI, including adapting prompts and exploring AI tools. The discussion shows that the effective use of AI requires a deep understanding of the specific needs of the business.
Despite the technological advances, the human aspect remains crucial in M&A transactions. Thomas emphasises the importance of motivating and engaging employees to ensure the success of mergers and acquisitions.
Finally, Thomas talks about future prospects and developments in the M&A sector. He emphasises the need to continuously educate oneself and adapt to the latest developments in order to remain competitive. The role of AI is seen as an integral part of future M&A strategies.
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